Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sound Masking at a Call Center

LiteSync contracted with the Tucson branch of the Cord Blood Registry to assist in the new construction of their 6,500 square foot call center.  One of the major problems in such an area is noise and hearing others on their phones.  With the proper wall acoustical treatments and then injecting white noise into the space through 53 carefully hung speakers, we can virtually eliminate the noise spill people at their station hear.  Shown here is our site foreman Dylan doing some work in what's known as the "rough-in" phase above the ceiling. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Catalina United Methodist Church

LiteSync was pleased to assist the church with a new pro sound system upgrade of their main chapel.  This landmark church on Speedway Blvd was built in 1956.  The existing audio system was installed by a local vendor some years back that did not have the skills to execute such work correctly and the audio signal reproduction was poor at best.  LiteSync brought in our sound engineer and he calculated the needs of the space and we then installed the equipment.  New JBL line arrays, Crown amplification, a BSS London processor and a beautiful new Soundcraft digital mixing board made the changes that will carry this facility many decades into the future.  LiteSync also upgraded the hearing assist system with new Listen Technologies equipment.  LiteSync is a Level One certified hearing assist system provider.

Our engineer Mark is easily one of the best in the industry.  We are proud to be working with him.

Acoustical Remediation at Sahuarita High School

LiteSync contracted with Sahuarita High School to make acoustical repairs to various music rooms.  The acoustical defects and issues in band rooms, chorus rooms, were deep and difficult for them.  Our PHD and architect calculated the needs to add the proper treatments to make the changes these rooms needed and when such treatments were installed by LiteSync, the school raved about the results.  Pictured here is some wall treatments that combined with new ceiling tiles made the band practice room more "lively" as was requested.